Have you heard about these? I had those Masai sneakers from Bliss, hated them, and sold them on eBay. I wore them once. I felt like I had blocks of concrete attached to my legs. Not really a great motivator to exercise. Along comes FitFlops which are apparently all the rage in the UK according to various sources.
From the NY Times Pulse: On the heels of Masai Barefoot Technology-type sneakers comes FitFlops, the latest rage in what is promoted as muscle-sculpting footwear. Supposedly able to tone and trim legs, burn calories, absorb shock and improve posture with their patented “microwobbleboard” sole, FitFlops have flapped their way from England, where 18,000 pairs sold out within three days of their May release. (Two women actually got into a brawl over the last pair of size 7s at the London store Running Bare.) While a waiting list of 15,000 still exists in Britain, Americans can now buy FitFlops in red or black at bathandbodyworks.com for $39.95 — no fisticuffs required.
I saw them on my last trip to B&BW last week. I considered buying a pair but then I thought you'd have to wear them nearly 24/7 to get the benefits, right? Kind of hard to do when the office frowns on flip flops.
So I took the $39 I would have spent on those and bought True Blue Spa foot scrub and lotion instead. :-)
My B&BW didn't have them because it's not one of the super stores. However, because B&BW didn't give people the option through their online link/e-mail notice the red ones sold out and the black ones are available in every size!
The reason I bought a pair is because my office is located exactly one mile from the ocean and I thought I could slip them on and take a walk during my lunch hour. I wouldn't wear them to the office but they look much easier to throw in my bag then sneakers and hopefully will provide less of an excuse to get my butt in gear at lunchtime. I always come up with an excuse, sneakers are a pain, my feet will sweat, etc. :-)
I do LOVE their True Blue line. I think I own at least half of it!
I haven't seen these, but now that I have I'm considering buying some.
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