Monday, July 9, 2007


The HydraCoach is a great idea for someone like me that doesn't drink enough water and certainly can't keep track of how much I actually consume throughout the day.

Features include:

Built-In Computer
Personal Hydration Calculator
Average Consumption Display
Time Tracker
Sip Tracker


Sisters with Style said...

What a great idea for my kids.

Suz said...

I love a good water bottle!

Elizabeth H. said...

This is hilarious!

Mony said...

I was so excited when I saw this...I had to have one! But when I went to Amazon the reviews weren't that good. I'm so sad because this seemed like such a cool thing!

a. said...

Crap I am bummed to hear about that...I didn't have time to look at any review. I guess it's one of those "good in theory" items.