Monday, January 7, 2008

Post-Holiday Sale at Monograms by So Pretty

I can tell you that I was happy to hear this news because I need a new travel mug ASAP. I bought a cheap imitation and was NOT satisfied. In my own defense I was desperate because Monograms by So Pretty were busy with their holiday orders. I should have waited but I didn't! I am drinking out of my mug as I type this...I use it at home too because it keeps my tea warm :-)

Scoot on over to Monograms by So Pretty and use coupon code JAN08 (all one word, no spaces) at checkout (be sure to hit the APPLY button) to receive 20% off your entire order from now until 1/31/08. YAY!


Flair said...

very cute! I need a new mug too.

Cakespy said...

Cute! I love anything monogram. Although when I got married my initials changed from JAM (cute) to JAO (weird). Oh well...

Fash said...

love these!